Safer Roads for Everyone, Right Now

Image Caption: Safer Roads For Everyone, Right Now

Reduce crashes by up to 32%, right now. We use our data to predict everywhere crashes are likely to happen, helping you find and solve safety issues before they cause a crash.

Today, agencies make decisions on safety using data that's inaccurate.

Despite crashes’ major impact and cost, individual crashes are, relatively speaking, infrequent events. When your metrics are wrong, they aren’t going to catch the majority of unsafe conditions or find the operational issues that cause them. Instead, you’re relying on crash statistics to know where your roadways are unsafe, so you’re getting this information only after there’s been a crash. You’re relying on direct field observation, which is too time consuming to do at all your intersections. You’re relying on citizens, who might only file a complaint after a crash, or might not report dangerous conditions at all.

With 94.4% accurate data, you can take preventative measures across ALL your roadways. We offer:

Safety Analytics: Measure every leading indicator of safety issues and unsafe driving. We find every phase, intersection, and corridor by tracking every vehicle traveling at high speeds, breaking aggressively, accelerating aggressively, running red lights, and entering dilemma zones.

You can also see where pedestrians and cyclists are most unsafe. We find every area on your roadways with high pedestrian and cyclist volumes, then compare this to areas with high vehicle volumes, high congestion, high turning speeds, and high deceleration and acceleration.

Proactive Safety Monitoring: Get notified about a safety concern when it happens, not days later. Our platform scans your networks continuously, and instantly alerts you to every phase, intersection, and corridor where a crash is likely. Then, you can use our comprehensive operational metrics to diagnose why the safety concern is happening. After you make a change, you can use our safety data to see if the adjustment improved safety on your roadways by the next day.

Safety Optimization: Optimize your signal timing plans for mobility and safety. Often, when agencies use AI to optimize signal plans, roadways become less safe. The AI doesn’t factor in safety, and so the timing plans put pedestrians and cyclists in danger in high volume areas. Our timing plans use our safety data, helping everyone travel not just quickly but also as safely as possible. We can help you calculate the ideal vehicle speed for a corridor, optimize signals for that speed, and optimize signals to reduce dilemma zone entry.  

We’re hardware free, so you can start increasing safety on your roadways today.

Our platform integrates with your systems. There’s no infrastructure to build or hardware to buy, which makes us 12 times as affordable and 50 times faster to deploy than a hardware solution. You can set up our platform in days, and scale it throughout a region in weeks.

To learn more about our safety features, please contact us to schedule a demo.


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