Congestion takes a staggering toll on the economy and drivers.
The power of connected vehicle data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) equips transportation agencies with the tools to understand congestion and gain insights to resolve issues before they disrupt road users. Real-time insights into traffic patterns and congestion triggers enable engineers to eliminate the guesswork and implement effective strategies to improve overall network performance.
Congestion costs the average driver in lost time and increased pollution
51 Hours
Time US Citizens Spend Waiting in Traffic
$120 Billion
Cost to the U.S. economy from congestion and the associated delays
Diagnose and solve congestion before road users are impacted.
Detect rising congestion
Real-time insights into traffic patterns and congestion triggers enable you to address issues as they occur to ease congestion and keep traffic moving.

Quickly diagnose problems
Drill down into what caused the problem, such as shifting traffic, a signal timing change, or a detection problem.
Data-driven performance plans
Our AI analyzes traffic patterns and recommends the best strategy to clear congestion - even predicting new travel times.

Show off your performance
Quickly quantify how your operational projects have benefited your road users, including how much time they saved.