The road safety crisis is escalating.
Roadway safety is a pressing issue for transportation agencies. Traditional safety measurement methods rely on using sparse crash and fatality data, leaving major safety issues unaddressed. Tapping into the power of connected vehicle data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) creates a much more in-depth and accurate safety picture. Utilizing these resources enables transportation agencies to identify a range of safety risks and proactively address potential issues.
Annual Fatalities On American Roads
Of roadway fatalities involve speeding
Fatalities in accidents caused by red light running in 2020
Predict, prevent, and ultimately eliminate crashes.
Find your biggest safety issues
Leverage connected vehicle data to quickly identity your biggest safety risk points across your region using Cerberus and prevent issues before accidents occur.

Understand why safety issue happens
Utilize our proprietary diagnostic suite to visualize your key problems, capturing all the data you need to fully understand and resolve issues.
Deploy effective safety countermeasures
Learn what you need to change to make the biggest improvement to safety and mobility, such as updating a timing plan or changing your splits, cycle lengths, or offsets at an intersection.

Understand safety impact
Conduct an instant before and after study to quantify the impact of your safety measures to quickly understand if your plan worked or adjustments are needed.