Ten Reasons Why Flow Labs is the Best Partner to Help You Get Funding from SMART and ATTAIN in 2022 and beyond
On September 19th, USDOT released Notice of Funding Opportunities for Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) and Advanced Transportation and Technology (ATTAIN). Both grants emphasize partnerships as a critical component to a strong grant application.
Flow Labs provides grant writing, grant editing, and grant matching support to our partners free of charge. Here are ten reasons why our platform puts you in the best position to earn funding from these two competitive grants, both in 2022 and in future funding cycles.
SMART overview
- An agency can receive up to $2 million for Stage 1.
- An agency can receive up to $15 million for Stage 2.
- According to the ROFO, “USDOT anticipates that only recipients of Stage 1 Planning and Prototyping Grants will be eligible for Stage 2 Implementation Grants.”
- USDOT will fund 100% of your project for both stages.
- Eligible projects covered by our platform include smart technology traffic signals; system integration; connected vehicles; and commerce delivery and logistics.
ATTAIN overview
- An agency can receive up to $12 million in funding for multiple years.
- USDOT will fund up to 80% of your project.
- Eligible projects covered by our platform include Advanced safety systems; Transportation system performance data collection, analysis, and dissemination systems; Advanced transportation management technologies; Infrastructure maintenance, monitoring, and condition assessment; Advanced public transportation systems; Integrated corridor management systems; and Advanced transportation technologies to improve emergency evacuation and response by Federal, State, and local authorities.
Our platform’s unique capabilities will make you uniquely competitive for these grants.
According to their ROFOs, SMART and ATTAIN will prioritize projects that:
1. Integrate with existing systems (SMART) and/or can leverage existing infrastructure (ATTAIN): We are interoperable with your existing systems and do not need agencies to install any new hardware or infrastructure.
2. Scale easily and be replicated to other transportation systems (both):
- We’re 50 times faster to deploy and 1/12th as expensive as hardware-based optimization solutions.
- Because we’re infrastructure-agnostic, we’re future-proof—agencies can add any dataset to our platform.
3. Can be quantifiably measured and validated (both):
- Our industry-first performance measurement tool can measure the ROI and impact of any transportation project. In seconds, our AI generates a report showing the economic, safety, operations, environmental, and mobility outcomes of an initiative.
- We offer the most comprehensive and accurate analytics in traffic management. We measure in operations, environmental, safety, and mobility.
- This tool is included in our analytics platform or can serve as a perfect add-on to quantify, measure, and validate any initiative you’re applying for, such as the ROI and impact of an on-demand transportation service deployment.
4. Improve transportation safety (both):
- Powered by the best data in traffic management, we optimize traffic flow for safety and mobility. We’re proven to lower crash risk by 51%.
- Our proprietary safety diagnostic helps engineers diagnose and find the best solution for red light running and dilemma zone entry at an intersection—all in under a minute.
- We track every leading indicator of safety and can find everywhere conditions are unsafe.
- Our proactive monitoring instantly notifies you to these conditions. Our pedestrian safety feature alerts you anytime pedestrians are at risk.
- Our performance measurement tool can measure key safety performance indicators for any project, making us the ideal add-on evaluation tool for a safety initiative such as Vision Zero or Complete Streets.
5. Lower transportation emissions (both):
- We’re proven to lower emissions by 21%.
- We have the most advanced environmental analytics in traffic management. We calculate emissions and fuel consumption by combining EPA approved models with real world trajectory data and accurate volume estimates.
- Analytics are calculated daily, and at any scale–measure environmental impact at a phase, intersection, network, and regional level.
6. Increase equity (both): Deploy us in days and scale us to a region in weeks, increasing safety, environmental, economic, and mobility outcomes in every community in your system.
7. Improve mobility and spur economic growth (both):
- We're proven to lower travel times by 24%, vehicle delay by 29%, and peak travel times by 10%.
- We optimize traffic on both an intersection and network level.
8. Improve operations and ROI (ATTAIN):
- Our benefit to cost ratio is 413:1.
- We measure every leading indicator of operation issues. Our proprietary operations diagnostics help engineers diagnose and find the best signal retiming for a phase—all in under a minute.
- We lower operations cost by 56%.
9. Monitor transportation assets and operations (ATTAIN): We are the only traffic management platform that can instantly find every broken and malfunctioning detectors on your roadways. We alert you if the detector is unhealthy and is causing a safety or congestion issue.
10. Use technology that can be leveraged for autonomous vehicles, such as connected vehicle technology (ATTAIN):
- We are the first platform to accurately integrate sensor and signal data with connected vehicle data.
- We’ve been able to generate comprehensive, accurate data with CVD penetration rates between 0% and 3.2%.
We'll help you write your grant application.
Applications for both SMART and ATTAIN are due November 18th. Contact us today to schedule a 30-minute meeting on how we can help you develop a strong application. Act fast–space is limited.
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