Why TomTom is Data-ble

September 16, 2024

When so many agencies and vendors are struggling to generate quality, timely, and accurate traffic flow data, Flow Labs and TomTom have created a formidable partnership. We’re integrating TomTom’s extensive data sets into our platform’s data streams, allowing us to capture connected vehicle data at a 20-35% penetration rate and deliver it to clients, which is more than 5x the industry standard. 

When integrated through Flow Lab’s AI-driven platform, TomTom’s connected vehicle data allows traffic managers to see which intersections are literally accidents waiting to happen. With insights on red light running, speeding and dangerous driving behaviors, engineers can anticipate where crashes are most likely to occur, so they can optimize traffic flow and make signal timing adjustments that prevent wrecks and save lives. 

And while traffic management and safety sit at the top of the pyramid, Flow Labs and TomTom can also provide detailed analysis of carbon emissions and the environmental impact of poorly timed signals. 

This partnership is a difference maker, and that’s why TomTom is data-ble.


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